This weekend: Health festival Delft     This weekend is the very first edition of Health Festival Delft. During the two-day free festival, you will learn more about food allergies, the effects of alcohol or how to make your own healthy sandwich toppings. There are also dance and yoga workshops and an exhibition on female…

Zo’n tienduizend internationale studenten van 26 onderwijsinstellingen krijgen hun verblijfsdocument dit jaar uitgereikt door IND-medewerkers in de Haagse Hogeschool. (Foto: Bart van Vliet) Studenten van buiten de Europese Unie hebben verblijfspapieren nodig die ze bij de IND moeten ophalen. Vanwege de lange wachttijden bij de loketten verstrekt de…

‘No gas drilling in the Wadden Sea’     Hundreds of Dutch scientists, including fourteen from TU Delft, are warning against the risk of gas drilling in the Wadden Sea, an UNESCO World Heritage Site. According to ‘Scientists 4 Future’, the Wadden Sea as a shallow sea is already extremely vulnerable to sea level rise…

Millions for research, Dutch universities still concerned     As promised, the Dutch cabinet has allocated hundreds of millions of euros for higher education and research. Next year, the cabinet will give universities 300 million euros for start-up and incentive grants: working capital for researchers. Half of the amount is earmarked for new university lecturers…

Total student debt 25.7 billion euro       In seven years time, the total study debt in the Netherlands has doubled to 25.7 billion euros. Among young people, study debts of EUR 20.000 are now normal, new figures from CBS show. As of September 2015, the basic grant was abolished for new students in…

De toeslag die uitwonende studenten volgend collegejaar mogelijk krijgen is te laag, vindt de Landelijke Studentenvakbond (LSVb). Studenten betalen nu al hoge rekeningen, redeneert de vakbond. Vanwege de hoge inflatie is het kabinet van plan om de nieuwe basisbeurs voor uitwonende studenten in mbo en hoger onderwijs een jaar lang met 165 euro te verhogen. …

Dutch only De Tweede Kamer ziet weinig in de kabinetsplannen om universiteiten en hogescholen hun zelf hun opleidingen te laten keuren, maar minister Dijkgraaf blijft het een goed idee vinden. Dat bleek woensdag tijdens een tweeminutendebat dat de PvdA had aangevraagd. Het kabinet werkt momenteel aan de komst van instellingsaccreditatie. Elke opleiding in…

Delft solar car wins in South Africa     Students from the Brunel Solar Team have won the Sasol Solar Challenge in South Africa with their solar car Nuna11s. On Friday 9 September, the eight-day race for solar cars started in Johannesburg. After more than 4,000 kilometres, the Nuna 11s finished as the winner. The…

Ig Nobel prize for calculating when to gossip     Can you calculate how to gossip? And what did the ancient Mayans do with enemas and alcohol? Dutch researchers won no less than three Ig Nobel prizes last night.    For the thirty-second time, the Ig Nobel Prizes have been awarded. These go to research…

After a short illness, Bert Enserink (TPM-MAS-Policy Analysis) passed away on 18 July in the presence of his wife and children. Bert has made a major contribution to the success of TPM’s international Master’s program Engineering & Policy Analysis (EPA) in The Hague. He was closely involved in establishing the innovative,…