De gouden medailles van weekblad EW (voorheen Elsevier) gaan dit jaar naar 112 opleidingen in het hoger onderwijs. Hun studenten zijn bovengemiddeld tevreden over de inhoud van hun opleiding, de sfeer, de docenten en de faciliteiten. De TU Delft ontvangt twee bronzen medailles. De masteropleidingen Science Education & Communication en Life Science &…
More municipalities grant energy allowance to students Most students cannot claim the 1,300 euros energy allowance for minima. They are helped only supported in extreme cases. But some municipalities are more generous than others and do offer an energy allowance. Tilburg, Delft and Zwolle were the first municipalities to come to…
Will staff get a little extra against the cold? Due to high energy prices, Breda’s BUas University of Applied Sciences is giving staff a little extra. Staff in the lowest salary scales will receive a one-off 370 euro net for full-time appointments. From scale 9 onwards, it is 185 euros. Other universities of…
New board members for PNN Anneke Kastelein (LUMC) is new chair of the Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN), the interest group for and by PhD students. She succeeds Meaghan Polack, who is leaving the PNN board after two years. PNN has also recruited four other new board members for the coming term. Marije…
Partial TU Delft solar cell most efficient Researchers from TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, TNO and semiconductor specialist Imec raised eyebrows at the WCPRC-8 world solar conference in Milan. United in the Dutch Solliance partnership, they presented a hybrid solar cell with a record efficiency of 30%. The solar cell is composed of…
Dutch only Een petitie tegen rente op studieschulden is in een paar weken tijd meer dan 100 duizend keer ondertekend. De handtekeningenactie is gestart door studentenorganisaties LSVb en FNV Young & United. De rente die (oud)studenten bovenop hun studieschuld betalen, staat al jarenlang op 0 procent, maar minister Dijkgraaf (OCW) stelde in juni…
English only Art or science? – The calculated wake of a ship’s jet propiusion (Image: DCSE) The TU Delft Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (DCSE) celebrates its first lustrum and the recent launch of the DelftBlue supercomputer in the ‘The art of scientific computing’ event on Friday 30 September in…
Protest against gas extraction Wadden Sea Scientists from Scientist Rebellion will protest against gas drilling under the Wadden Sea in The Hague on Wednesday 28 September. The government will soon decide on a new permit for gas drilling under the Wadden Sea. University of Twente assistant professor Guus Dix is one of…
Motion: Also energy surcharge without personal contract Students without a personal energy contract who can prove that their energy costs have increased should also be eligible for an energy allowance from the municipality of Delft. This is stated in a motion (in Dutch) submitted by Stip, ChristenUnie and CDA at a city council meeting…
Tijdens de Algemene Politieke Beschouwingen kwamen verschillende oppositiepartijen op voor studenten. Esther Ouwehand van de Partij voor de Dieren diende een motie in om studenten alsnog recht te geven op de energietoeslag. Ze kreeg steun van de voltallige oppositie, maar regeringspartijen VVD, D66, CDA en ChristenUnie stemden tegen. Een vergelijkbare motie van Caroline van der…