More municipalities grant energy allowance to students
Most students cannot claim the 1,300 euros energy allowance for minima. They are helped only supported in extreme cases. But some municipalities are more generous than others and do offer an energy allowance.
Tilburg, Delft and Zwolle were the first municipalities to come to the aid of students with high energy bills out of their own pockets. That number has now risen to at least eight municipalities. Utrecht, Sittard Geleen, Hilversum, Amersfoort and Land van Cuijk joined the first three on Thursday.
The support offered by these municipalities varies. Most municipalities, such as student city Tilburg, only help students over 21 with their own energy contract. This now also applies to Utrecht, a spokesperson assures, although this is not stated in so many words on the municipality’s website. Zwolle and Hilversum are the exceptions. They also give an energy allowance to students who pay rent including energy costs.
Delft also only helps students with their own energy contract, while as tenants they often do not have one because energy costs are included in the rent. Stip, ChristenUnie and CDA want that to change. The parties recently submitted a motion demanding that these students, who can prove that their energy costs have increased, should also be eligible for an energy allowance from the municipality. The motion will be discussed by the municipal council on Monday, October 3. (HOP, PvT)
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