Prison sentence for swindling DUO     A 33-year-old man defrauded DUO (the education executive agency) of about 250,000 euros. The judge sentenced him to 20 months’ imprisonment and 240 hours’ community service. His three co-defendants were sentenced to community service. The main offender was given a high sentence because it was not his first conviction…

  More first-year students expected   The Bachelor’s programmes of universities continue to grow, while the hbo (universities of applied sciences) will probably face a decline. This is apparent from the provisional enrolment figures for higher education. Meanwhile, 105 thousand prospective students have registered for Bachelor’s programmes. That is 4.7 percent more than at this…

TU-onderzoekers kunnen met data uit een ‘slim’ fietspad op de campus in combinatie met eenvoudiger sensoren in de buurt verkeersdrukte een half uur vooruit voorspellen. Omleidingen kunnen dan helpen om de druk te verminderen. Inmiddels zijn er praktische toepassingen in voorbereiding in Rotterdam (veiligheid van schoolkinderen op de fiets) en Scheveningen (beheersing van drukte aan het strand). Dat…

New Dean for 3mE     The Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering  (3mE) will have a new Dean as of 1 July 1: professor of structural optimization and mechanics Fred van Keulen. Van Keulen has been associated with TU Delft since he was a student. In 1987 he graduated from the faculty he…

Government intervention in cases of mismanagement in education     The Government is planning to intervene more quickly in cases of mismanagement in education. This is not the same as restricting academic freedom, Minister of Education Wiersma told a critical House of Representatives.   The two Christian coalition parties, CDA and CU, have major doubts…

Six researchers receive highest NWO awards     Six Dutch scientists received this year’s Spinoza and Stevin awards of 2.5 million euros. They conduct research on distant planets, microbes, Parkinson’s disease, fundamental physics, humanitarian disasters and work-life balance. The grants will be awarded on 5 October. Then the winners will announce what they want to…

    ‘Students, apply for the energy surcharge’   If it’s up to the government, students won’t get an energy allowance. The Landelijke Studentenvakbond advises students to apply for it anyway. It could potentially save them 800 euros. The energy allowance is meant to help people with a small budget pay the rising energy bills.…

Waterbouwkundige en TU-onderzoeker Ties Rijcken zwengelt het debat aan over woningbouw en zeespiegelstijging. Die twee actuele Nederlandse uitdagingen staan namelijk met elkaar op gespannen voet. Zo schreef Vrij Nederland onlangs: ‘Als je ver onder NAP bouwt, zeg er dan bij dat die huizen maar vijftig jaar meegaan’. Rijcken schreef in de Correspondent het artikel…

  TU Delft logo complete again     “Is it straight like this?” Two employees of Kunstwacht Delft were busy last Tuesday morning putting back the blue U and the small t of the TU Delft logo in front of the Aula. The letters are used and climbed intensively. Kunstwacht Delft, which manages public art…