‘Do not exclude students from energy allowance’     Municipalities have been advised not to give students an energy allowance of EUR 800. But legal experts believe that excluding students is unlawful and will not stand up in court.   To the surprise of the LSVb…

Studenten die geen aanvullende beurs willen ontvangen, moeten voortaan zelf het vinkje wegklikken bij de aanvraag van studiefinanciering. Dit moet ervoor zorgen dat minder studenten de beurs mislopen. Een kwart van de studenten vraagt geen aanvullende beurs aan terwijl ze er wel recht op hebben. Daardoor krijgen ze tot 419 euro per maand minder.…

Little enthusiasm for ‘polder-imam course’     Is a funded imam training programme in higher education viable? The government had it researched, but universities and universities of applied sciences are not eager to offer the course. The research stems from two Parliamentary motions from 2015. The government was to ensure that “additional and thorough” training for…

‘Smart’ bra wins contest      The annual TU Delft Impact Contest was won by the teams Smart Bra and CryoCOP. In doing so, they left nearly 60 other teams behind.    The Smart Bra is an idea of master student Rajae Atahiri. She wants to develop a smart bra that can detect breast cancer…

Zelftestonderwijs.nl offline soon     The website where students and employees in MBO and higher education can order free self tests, will go offline as of 20 June. Or even sooner if the self tests run out.   It was the intention that the online portal zelftestonderwijs.nl would close already on June 1, but for…

Universities of Applied Sciences: lower tuition fees for Ukrainian students     Students from Ukraine why study at Dutch universities of applied sciences will pay the same tuition fees as Dutch students in the coming academic year. The universities had already decided to do so. Normally, students from outside the European Economic Area pay the institutional tuition…

‘Unsuitable medical students to be expelled more quickly’     Examination boards of the eight Dutch medical colleges are coming up with a plan to make it easier to expel dysfunctional students. This concerns students who show unprofessional behavior and thus endanger the safety of patients. Research shows that “such students are more likely to…

More time to spend ‘corona money’     Minister Dijkgraaf is giving higher education and vocational education (MBO) a year longer to support students and researchers who got stuck during the corona pandemic and suffered delays.   The universities of applied sciences and the universities have only spent 6 per cent of the crisis money…

Student Union: ‘Talks with minister now pointless’     The National Student Union LSVb refuses to talk to the Minister of Education about study financing any longer. The union is inviting him to the protest in Amsterdam on Saturday. “We had constructive talks about study financing for years,” says president Ama Boahene, “but the result remains…

Zo’n vijftig studenten zijn dinsdagmorgen begonnen aan een sit-in op de Roeterseilandcampus van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Ze willen aandacht vragen voor de “karige basisbeurs” en de “ontoereikende compensatie” voor de leenstelselgeneratie. Het is nog niet bekend hoelang het protest gaat duren. De sit-in is een gezamenlijke actie van Landelijke Studentenvakbond (LSVb) en FNV…