Carola Hein Professor in Delft, Rotterdam and Leiden     “I see opportunities to bring different worlds together”, said Professor Carola Hein. (Photo: Frank Auperlé)   Since January, Carola Hein, Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning History at Delft University of Technology, has also been affiliated with the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Developmental Sociology…

Inspectorate wants better insight into the quality of education     Why do some Dutch educational programmes not pass the NVAO accreditation organisation’s inspection in one go? And what improvements then help best? Nobody can answer these kinds of questions now, says the Education Inspectorate in its new State of Education (in Dutch). Everyone can…

More internationals, less from UK     Dutch higher education continues to welcome more and more international students. Meanwhile, however, the number of new enrolments from the UK fell by a quarter this academic year. The Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education Nuffic has created a detailed overview of new international student enrolments this academic…

Nine more Veni grants for TU Delft researchers     They had to wait a long time, but now the time has come: another 78 promising young researchers will receive a Veni grant of up to EUR 280,000 from now (The Dutch Research Council). Nine of them are connected to TU Delft. The first seven…

Architecture offers room for wild wallflowers     The new quay walls of the Nieuwe Mark in Breda have blossomed. (Photo: Koen Mulder)   Traditional brick quay walls – as in the inner city of Delft – are enormously thick, porous brick walls that are in direct contact with the ground and the groundwater. As…

Aan tafel voor het Flying Vision-initiatief zaten van links naar rechts Pieter Elbers (KLM), Guillaume Faury (Airbus), Henri Werij (TU Delft), Michel Peters (NLR) en Dick Benschop (Schiphol). (Foto: TU Delft) Namens de TU Delft tekende L&R-decaan Henri Werij afgelopen maandag een samenwerkingsovereenkomst voor een transitie naar een duurzame luchtvaart in 2050. Hij…

Additional emergency funding for Ukrainian students     The Cabinet has allocated another 2.5 million euros in emergency funding for students hit by the war in Ukraine. 2.3 million euros will be shared by institutions in higher education and the rest will go to secondary vocational education (MBO).   The additional emergency funding is designated…

De 24-jarige hbo-student Joram van Velzen uit Utrecht wordt de nieuwe voorzitter van de Landelijke Studentenvakbond. Zijn medebestuursleden komen uit Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Nijmegen en Groningen. Het nieuwe bestuur is dit weekend gekozen en wordt nu ingewerkt. Het gaat vanaf 25 juni aan de slag. Volgens het persbericht wil Van Velzen zich inzetten voor meer kansengelijkheid in…

Parliament wants one-stop shop for students with disabilities     Students with disabilities now have to go through various institutions for financial support. This can be improved, according to the parliament: they want one central point where these students can go.    In addition to the basic study grant and the supplementary grant, students with…

University hospitals want larger share of education and research funds     Dutch university hospitals hope that Minister Dijkgraaf will reverse the shift of education and research funds to the universities of technology and science faculties. The Dutch Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU) responds (in Dutch) to Minister Dijkgraaf’s ‘outline letter’ on higher education…