Do plants improve study results?     Does it help to have a lot of plants in the house when there are heavy exams coming up? The University and College of Ghent are doing research on this. They kicked off the project this week.   The researchers want to know whether plants have a positive…

Russian students intimidated      Several Russian students and a scientist in the Netherlands have been phoned asking about their loyalty in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The organisation Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) and the Dutch Ministry of Education confirm this.   “In case of a threat, we advise to report it, but this is usually…

Het kabinet wil niet morrelen aan het hoge collegegeld voor tweede studies. Daardoor blijven leraren en zorgmedewerkers duizenden euro’s betalen als ze zich willen omscholen. Sinds 2010 kan zo’n tweede studie duizenden euro’s aan instellingscollegegeld kosten, tenzij je hem oppikt voordat je je eerste studie hebt afgerond: dan mag je tegen het gewone…

Commemorations in Delft     On Wednesday, May 4, the many victims of the Second World War and of war violence since that time are remembered. Commemorations take place at several locations in Delft.   Also at TU Delft. At 4 PM the Executive Board, Study Association Council (StudieVerenigingenRaad), Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging (MV) and VereningsRaad (VerRa)…

142.7 million euros for consortia      Seven scientific alliances have each received between 15 and 22 million euros in ‘zwaartekrachtsubsidies’ (grants for Gravitation programme) for research that individual universities would never be able to pay for themselves. The Dutch government announced this on Monday.    It concerns (link in Dutch, red) consortia of Utrecht University, Radboud…

Harvard commits $100M to redress its complicity with slavery     Harvard University is putting $100 million, about 94 million euros, into a fund to research and redress its “extensive entanglements with slavery”. The fund does not come out of the blue: the university also released an internal evaluation this week on the role of the…

Back to Dutch article   Rowing spectacle on the Schie   Feel like some rowing spectacle? Student rowing association Proteus-Eretes organises one of the biggest regattas in the Netherlands on 30 April and 1 May. Students from all over the country will come to Delft this weekend to row this…

Corpsleden en reünisten hebben nu een eigen datingplatform. Daar kunnen ze potentiele partners zoeken met een “gemeenschappelijke achtergrond”. Er is volgens de oprichter van Corematching Aileen Croll, zelf reünist van Minerva, een duidelijke behoefte aan een dergelijk platform. “Als je lid bent heb je toch bepaalde overeenkomende kernnormen en -waarden die zorgen voor een vertrouwde…

Another majorana publication withdrawn     After last year’s retraction of the publication on the observation of majorana particles, last week saw the retraction of an earlier article, also in Nature.    In the 2017 article, Professor Leo Kouwenhoven (QuTech, Microsoft) and Professor Erik Bakkers (TU/e) describe a network of nanowires they developed in which…

Royal decorations for TU Delft staff and alumni   Terug naar het Nederlands   Vice Rector Magnificus Rob Mudde was appointed Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion on Tuesday. Mudde received the award from the hands of Mayor Marja van Bijsterveldt, who praised his commitment to the education and wellbeing…