Commemorations in Delft
On Wednesday, May 4, the many victims of the Second World War and of war violence since that time are remembered. Commemorations take place at several locations in Delft.
Also at TU Delft. At 4 PM the Executive Board, Study Association Council (StudieVerenigingenRaad), Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging (MV) and VereningsRaad (VerRa) will lay a wreath at the commemorative plaque in the foyer of the Aula building.
This short memorial service is held in memory of all staff and students who lost their lives during the Second World War. Anyone wishing to do so may bring flowers or wreaths to the plaque between 4 and 5 PM, or at a time later in the week. (MvdV)
Click here for more information about the various commemorations in Delft (in Dutch).
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