The Rights Forum does not want a half answer     The Rights Forum maintains that Dutch universities must disclose correspondence with, among others, the Central Jewish Consultation and the National Coordinator of Antisemitism. The knowledge centre on the Palestinian-Israeli issue submitted a Freedom of Information Act (Wob) request to Dutch universities in January. Among other…

Obstacles for students with long covid     The Cabinet has demanded that universities of applied sciences provide ‘customised’ services for students with long covid. But this is not yet going well everywhere, says the National Students’ Union (LSVb).   It is not known how many students suffer from long-term serious complaints after a Covid-19…

Disabled student does not want to go back to ‘normal’     No return to ‘normal’ after the corona pandemic: higher education can and must become more accessible for students with disabilities, argues Every(in), the umbrella organisation representing the interests of people with disabilities. During the pandemic, the standard – online – educational programme suddenly…

Energy transition as a board game     ‘A creative game that involves you in the energy transition in a completely new way.’ The energy transition is at stake. Literally, in the new board game GigaWatt. Six European regions are competing against each other to be the first to be independent of coal and gas…

Russian rectors support war in Ukraine     On 4 March, the Association of Rectors of Russian Universities wrote in a joint statement that they support Putin’s decision “to finally end the eight-year confrontation between Ukraine and the Donbas, to achieve the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine and thus to protect itself against the growing…

Statistics Netherlands: a disability has an impact in higher education too     People with a mental or physical disability are less likely to pursue higher education and are also less likely to graduate, according to figures from Statistics Netherlands.   Among those people with no disability issues, 54 percent studied in higher professional education…

Dutch pension fund ABP sells Russian investments     Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Dutch pension fund ABP will sell all its remaining investments in Russian companies. ABP already did not invest in Russian government bonds. As of 24 February 2022, ABP had approximately 520 million euros worth of investments in Russia,…

FNV-vakbonden willen voorkomen dat pensioenfonds ABP de Russische agressie in Oekraïne mede financiert. Ze stellen vragen over ABP-belangen in Russische bedrijven en staatsobligaties. Het ABP is het pensioenfonds voor werknemers bij de overheid en het onderwijs. De FNV-bonden in het verantwoordingsorgaan van het ABP willen onder meer weten of het klopt dat het…

Vici grants delayed by Covid-19     The coronavirus has upset the planning of science financier NWO. Dropouts and absenteeism meant that only 12 Vici grants were awarded today. The rest will follow later.   Twelve researchers from the applied and technical sciences and the health sciences (ZonMW) received a Vici grant from the NWO…