Unemployment drops for young graduates Young, well-educated people are more likely to find a job again. After a peak of 9 percent unemployment in the summer months, that share dropped to 5.5 percent by the end of 2021, according to figures from the Dutch Bureau of Statistics (CBS). Just before the corona…
Intergetijdengebieden worden ze genoemd: stukken land die beurtelings onderlopen en droogvallen met het getij. Ze zijn essentieel voor trekvogels, oesters en zeehonden. Maar door kustverdediging, inpoldering en zeespiegelstijging nemen deze gebieden in Nederland gestaag af: van 12% in 1900 naar 4 % nu. Vertegenwoordigers van Boskalis, WNF en Deltares presenteerden donderdag 17 februari…
Wat is er nodig om de auto vaker te laten staan en welk alternatief vervoer heeft de voorkeur? Dit onderzoekt de TU Delft in opdracht van Rijkswaterstaat en het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat. Hoewel Nederlanders sinds de coronapandemie meer thuiswerken en digitaal beter bereikbaar zijn, is het onverminderd druk op de snelwegen. Hoe komt…
More room shortage due to new basic grant With the arrival of a new basic grant, even more students will want to rent on their own, wrote former Minister van Engelshoven to the forming parties. This could lead to more room shortage. It is one of the remarks in a letter from…
Is innovatie altijd progressie? Tijdens het VeerEvent op woensdag 23 februari gaan TU-onderzoeker Odette Scharenborg (EEMCS) en modeontwerper Borre Akkersdijk hierover in discussie. Het Delftse VeerEvent is onderdeel van een reeks discussieavonden in verschillende Vlaamse en Nederlandse studentensteden met als overkoepelend thema ‘Vast in versnelling’. Wat levert versnelling van technologische ontwikkelingen op? Gaat het…
Saxion employee arrested for exam theft An employee of Saxion university of applied sciences is suspected of selling tests to students. After its own investigation the university reported this to the police, who arrested the employee and two other suspects. Pending the investigation by the police and the Public Prosecution Service the employee has…
TU Delft Impact Contest is looking for participants Students with a solution for a societal problem can register until 1 March for the TU Delft Impact Contest, which is taking place for the fourth time this year. Such a societal problem can translate into a small solution, explains Nienke Zwaal of the organising…
By boat to the campus For the time being, it is a trial, but if it proves successful, students and staff of the TU may get an extra means of transport for the route between Delft CS and the campus. This week and next week, a ‘water bus’ will sail back and forth…
ERC grants for commercialising technology Sixteen researchers from Dutch universities and academic hospitals are to receive EU money which they may use to translate their scientific insights into commercial applications. This was announced by the European Research Council (ERC). The grants for a proof of concept amount to a total of EUR…
Full lecture halls again In higher education, the maximum of 75 students in a lecture hall will disappear as of 18 February. This is part of a package of relaxations that the government wants to implement now that hospitals have proven to be able to cope with the current wave of coronas infections. For…