New name for united Dutch universities   The familiar abbreviation VSNU for the 14 cooperating Dutch universities no longer seems to exist. The university association casually announced that it would henceforth be called Universities of the Netherlands, abbreviated to UNL. This became apparent when the ‘Universities of the Netherlands’ sent out a press release…

  Students plant flower bulbs on campus     Volunteers from ‘Natuurlijk Delfland’ and students from ‘Buitensport Vereniging Slopend’ have together planted two thousand flower bulbs on the TU Delft campus.   (Photo: Dominic Dijkshoorn)   On Sunday 21 November, volunteers planted thousands of bulbs in the Nature Playground Hammenpoort on the Rotterdamseweg to support…

Delft no longer follows citizens via anonymous social accounts     Relevant for students and employees living in Delft: the municipality of Delft will no longer use anonymous accounts and will no longer follow citizens on social media. This decision follows the conclusion of the municipal data protection officer that the municipality is nót allowed…

  1.6 million people now have study debt in The Netherlands     A record number of 1.6 million people had student debt in the Netherlands at the beginning of this year. Their average debt has not increased and remains at 15.2 thousand euro.   This year, over 100 thousand more people have a student…

Plastic cycle path on campus   People can be clever. And so can some animals. But do not underestimate cycle paths. They too can be hyper intelligent, say researchers from TU Delft’s Transport and Planning department. In front of the entrance to the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, they are having a stretch of road…

Keep your distance Adults must again keep a distance of 1.5 metres. The outgoing cabinet announced this yesterday. For the time being, an exception applies to secondary and higher education. Keeping a distance is only an urgent recommendation at the moment. But the cabinet is going to make it compulsory again “to reduce the sharp…

  TU Delft employee as landlord/landlady?   Street in the Wippolder neighbourhood. (Photo: Dalia Madi)    Is housing a student a good idea? Some Dutch institutions of higher education explicitly ask (in Dutch) their employees to consider this, because of the lack of student housing. TU Delft addresses the subject in its latest newsletter (23 November).…

Almost an end to fines for ov-student card     Soon, students will be able to check in for public transport with their mobile phones. This will also mean an end to the sky-high fines that students currently pay when they cancel their ‘travel product’ too late. The new payment methods should take effect between…

Een kwart van de eerstejaarsstudenten met recht op een aanvullende beurs maakt daar geen gebruik van. Ze kennen de voorwaarden niet goed of denken dat ze niet in aanmerking komen. Persoonlijke mails en brieven kunnen hen overhalen, blijkt uit onderzoek. DUO gaat daar meer gebruik van maken. Het meeste effect hebben berichten die…

  Delft ‘memristors’ best tech-idea   The prestigious European Union ECS Innovation Award 2020 is on his name already, but Delft professor Said Hamdioui may now also call himself the inventor of the best tech idea 2021 – at least according to the jury of Dutch science magazine KIJK Magazine. Yesterday, KIJK editor Laurien Onderwater…