These students want to save the coral reef (and you can help)   Four Delft students from the TPM-minor international entrepreneurship and development have started a crowdfunding to restore 500 square metres of dead or damaged coral reef near the Indonesian island of Lombok. Alexandru, Joppe, Tadé and Xavier need 5000 euros to buy…

No time or money for open science   Terug naar Nederlandse versie   Most researchers agree that it is important to make scientific data freely available to everyone. But in practice only half of them do so, research financier NWO reports on the basis of its own research.   …

‘Pechstudenten’ apply for zero vouchers   Terug naar Nederlandse versie   There are now 151 former students who missed out on the basic grant and are entitled to a study voucher worth two thousand euros. None of them have applied for the voucher yet.   This is…

EUR 2,000 for best master’s thesis     The Social and Economic Council (SER) awards EUR 2,000 to the best master’s thesis in scientific and higher education. The prize is awarded to a thesis on a socio-economic subject or one of the other fields of activity of the SER.   The prize winner is chosen…

OMT wanted QR code in higher education     The experts of the Outbreak Management Team (OMT) advised the Dutch government to make corona access cards compulsory in mbo and higher education. There were also reservations, because this would mean that some students would have to ‘get tested every day in order to participate in…

CDJA: EUR 18,000 for students     The youth branch of the CDA political party, the CDJA, does not want a return to the former study grant system, but a system of the right to study. Everyone would then receive EUR 18,000 to study or for further training.   ‘A failed PvdA, GroenLinks, D66 and…

Delta is looking for a data analyst   Do you have experience in drawing up surveys, do you know how to ask questions in such a way that you get unambiguous, representative answers, and can you subsequently elaborate and interpret the data provided? Then we have a job for you! For an investigative journalism production,…

Onderwijsminister Van Engelshoven is niet van plan om vertraagde studenten nog meer tegemoet te komen, antwoordt ze op schriftelijke vragen van GroenLinks. Het moet een keer eindigen, meent ze. In de coronacrisis konden stages niet altijd doorgaan, of docenten werden ziek, zodat sommige studenten later afstudeerden. In juni 2020 introduceerde het kabinet een coronacompensatie…

Dogterom new President of Netherlands Academy Marileen Dogterom, Professor of Bionanoscience at Delft University of Technology, will succeed Ineke Sluiter as President of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences next year. She is currently its Vice President. Dogterom is appointed for a period of three years and will combine the presidency with her…

Flu vaccine advice from Student Medical Practice Every winter about one in every ten persons gets the flu (infection with an influenza virus). Usually this is an uncomplicated disease. For some people the risk of complications is slightly raised. In the Netherlands these people are advised to get an influenza vaccination. This yearly vaccination protects…