Hundreds of international students contact housing hotline Hundreds of international students have contacted the housing hotline of the Landelijke Studentenvakbond (the Dutch ‘National Union of Students’). The hotline has been contacted 658 times in the past year and a half, the union reports in a brief report. The most common…
Medical Delta welcomes nine new professors They all already have an impressive track record at one of the participating centres: TU Delft, Erasmus MC or LUMC. But in the last year, they have been given an additional appointment and now have with one foot in technology and the other in clinical work. This…
Not enough room for debate at universities It has been enshrined in law since 1960: universities and colleges of higher education “shall also pay attention to personal development and the promotion of a sense of social responsibility”. Many institutions do feel strongly about themes such as sustainability, diversity and equal opportunities, the Education Inspectorate…
Dutch language under pressure at universities The Dutch language is increasingly being supplanted by English at universities. Less than a third of the students indicate that their study is entirely in Dutch, according to the research report De Staat van het Nederlands. Half of the Dutch-language students surveyed (48.5 per cent) use both Dutch…
Zwerfafval opruimen combineren met een fietstocht met gids? Op zaterdag 23 oktober organiseert Green Cow Bike Tours een twee uur durende ‘opruimfietstocht’ door Delft. De route voert langs ‘alle mooie plekken van de stad en omgeving’ en de start is om 10.00 uur bij de Oostpoortburg. Deelnemers moeten hun eigen fiets meenemen. Green Cow zorgt…
Why does everything collapse? They got off with a fright, the supporters on the stands of the De Goffert stadium in Nijmegen that partly collapsed on Sunday 17 October. According to professor Rob Nijsse, professor of Structural Design at the Faculty of Architecture and CiTG, this accident could have been prevented. “A concrete beam…
Follow This is echoed in the US With some reluctance, a second American oil company has now promised to reduce the CO2 emissions of their production process. Chevron now promises a 5% reduction by 2028. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, ongoing pressure from customers and investors have pushed the…
Minister: also QR code for international students without BSN Students from outside the EU do not always receive a certificate valid in the Netherlands if they have been vaccinated in their home country and thus miss out on the corona QR certificate in the Netherlands. As a result, they still have to…
Slaloming between camels Sandstorms, chaotic traffic and camels on the road. Conditions will be quite hectic for the Vattenfall Solar Team during the Solar Challenge in Morocco, which takes place from 25 to 29 October. The race for solar cars replaces the World Solar Racing Championship in Australia, which was cancelled due to corona. In…
15 million euros for Hyperloop The Delft start-up company Hardt Hyperloop is receiving 15 million euros from the European Commission to develop plans for a super-fast transport system. Hardt Hyperloop, which was founded a few years ago by Delft students who had won a competition organised by SpaceX, wants to develop a transport system in…