Half a million victims of college’s data breach     The University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem and Nijmegen (HAN) has almost completed its investigation into the data leak discovered on 1 September. A hacker obtained data on students, staff and other contacts of the university.   The investigation shows that the hacker gained access…

Nobel Prize in physics for climate change     The American Syukuro Manabe, the German Klaus Hasselman and the Italian Giorgio Parisi have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their research into climate change and patterns in chaotic systems. The Nobel Prize Committee announced this on Tuesday.   Earth Manabe proved in the…

Vindicat events cancelled after misbehaviour of members     The mayor of Groningen is fed up with it. Because members of student association Vindicat misbehaved this weekend, he has prohibited a large sailing event of the association. Other events have also been cancelled for the time being.   The police had to spring into action…

Vier universiteiten mogen vanaf september 2022 een masteropleiding aanbieden die opleidt tot leraar in het basisonderwijs. De kwaliteitsbewakers van de NVAO gaan goedkeuring geven, melden de universiteiten zelf. Studenten kunnen terecht aan de universiteiten van Rotterdam, Leiden en Amsterdam (VU en UvA). Het was al bekend dat de ‘educatieve master primair onderwijs’ er zou komen.…

Wetenschappers zeggen het al jaren: ze willen ruim een miljard euro per jaar erbij om de werkdruk te verlagen en meer ruimte te krijgen voor vrij onderzoek. Die kans is kleiner geworden, nu de huidige coalitie een doorstart gaat maken. Ze stonden in de Hofvijver, ze protesteerden bij de opening van het academische jaar…

No QR-code for international students     International students from outside the European Union get stuck in bureaucracy when they want to obtain the vaccination certificate required in the Netherlands. It concerns students from the United Kingdom and the United States, among others, but it is not clear exactly how many students are affected.   …

Digital security on the back burner     Extra money for cyber security for universities and universities of applied sciences? That is for the next Cabinet to decide, writes outgoing Education Minister Van Engelshoven. In a letter to the Dutch Parliament, Van Engelshoven responds to an alarming report by the Education Inspectorate, which was made…

Terug naar de Nederlandse versie van dit artikel Debate on internationalisation   What should an internationally oriented university look like in the 21st century? On 30 September, Studium Generale is organising a debate around this main question, with Delta columnist and PhD student Vishal Onkhar (3mE) in the panel. Other speakers are…

Diversity & Inclusion week at TU Delft   Klik hier om terug te gaan naar de Nederlandse versie   For the first time ever, the TU Delft Diversity & Inclusion Office is organising a Diversity & Inclusion Week. From 4 to 8 October, various online and hybrid events will take place,…

International students scammed by fake policemen   Terug naar de Nederlandse versie   Scammers have robbed foreign students in Maastricht of thousands of euros. They called the students by phone, said they were from the police and asked them to download software.   The fake policemen said that the…