With the results of the multi criteria analysis of last week we were ready to create three global solutions. After a brainstorm session, to see how we could implement the best coastal and drainage element into a total solution, the following solutions were created: the safe city, the green city and the show piece.
The rest of the week we worked in pairs on further designing the solutions. Not only did we look at the technical feasibility but also made a cost estimation, fault tree, time estimation, options for political implementation and ways to finance the project. Especially, the political implementation and cost play an even bigger role here in Colombia than in the Netherlands. The goal was to have this all done at the end of the week so we could make a multi criteria analysis on Friday to show the best global solution.
So a lot of work needed to be done and we gave ourselves a very strict deadline in the form of a flight to Medellin on Friday evening. Luckily, nobody collapsed under the pressure so we finished our work just on time to get to the airport. After, a short flight we arrived in Medellin at night and started the weekend with a few well deserved drinks.
The next morning, the city needed to be explored and as civil engineers the first thing we did in Medellin was to use the award winning metro cable system. For less than 30 cents we had a great view over the city including the colourful comuna’s. The last metro cable took us to Parque Arvi were we escaped the city for a while.
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