As a relatively large group of TU Delft students and staff regularly travel to and from China, the university has taken extra precautions regarding the Coronavirus outbreak. On-campus, the university has distributed posters to draw people’s attention to the hygiene measures they can take. Contact surfaces, like doorknobs, are cleaned extra and additional soap dispensers are placed in central places like restaurants and entrances.
Stay home a fortnight
Effective last week, students and staff returning from China are asked to stay at home a fortnight, after the last day they were in China. They are requested not to come to the university and to report to their Faculty secretary or director by e-mail or telephone. The Executive Board ensures that any delays or issues will be resolved. The board communicated this during the latest meeting with the Works Council on Thursday 6 February.
The official number of students and staff who recently visited China will not be released. Rector Magnificus Tim van der Hagen is aware that these measures may seem extreme, but as he stated during the meeting: “It’s better to be safe than sorry.” (MvdV)
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