During an hour-long protest on campus the newly formed Delft branch of Extinction Rebellion (XR Delft) presented itself to the TU Delft community.
With lunch hour at its peak, XR Delft climbed the picnic tables behind the Aula. Armed with protest signs the group of nearly fifteen people presented five demands of action they believe the university should take to combat climate and ecological change.
The five demands were written on cardboards: declare a climate emergency, tell the truth, implement ethics and climate change in all curriculums, carbon neutral by 2025 and citizens climate assembly. (Photo’s: Marjolein van der Veldt)
Despite the small group of protesters, there were many enforcers on the ground. Delta counted two policemen, two local enforcers, and three campus security guards. All in all the peaceful protest took up no more than one hour and ended with a march through the Mekelpark. (MvdV)
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