Marien van der Meer new member Executive Board
Marien van der Meer will become Vice President Operations (VPO) in the Executive Board of TU Delft. The Supervisory Board has appointed Van der Meer as of 1 August 2021. She replaces Nicoly Vermeulen, who left the TU in January.
Van der Meer is currently Chief Financial and Operating Officer and a member of the Board of Directors of the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Netherlands Cancer Institute. Supervisory Board-chairman Jeroen van der Veer, says he’s very pleased to appoint Van der Meer. “As a director at medical institutions, she has extensive experience in guiding financial business processes, real estate, HR, IT and campus development. She is also a good team player – in combination with her substantive expertise this makes her eminently suitable to complement the Executive Board”, he explains.
Van der Meer studied public administration at Leiden University and has worked as a director for about 10 years now. Before joining Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, she was a member of the Organisation for European Cancer Institutes and of the Amsterdam AI coalition, and she was chairperson of the board of the rehabilitation centre Sophia Revalidatie.
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