Questionnaire about corona compensation
The University PhD Council (UPC) wants to investigate how the TU spent the so called ‘wage margin’ that was reserved in 2020 for extending the contracts of temporary research workers who were delayed by corona. UPC has launched a survey together with the four trade unions at TU Delft,
In this way the organizations hope to get insight into the extent to which employees were informed of and have applied for this budget as well as the degree to which the university has granted their applications. The research results will be used during a review meeting between the four trade unions and the Executive Board in February.
Last year all Dutch universities agreed to reserve 0.45 per cent of the so-called ‘wage margin’ in 2020 for extending temporary contracts of researchers who got into trouble that year due to corona.
The one and a half million euros that TU Delft had to spend in 2020 has not been used up. Therefore, employees can also apply for extension this year. The university has granted 26 applications for 2020 and received 20 applications for 2021.
The survey can be filled in until 1 March by following this link:
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