TU Delft will hold an internal symposium about academic collaboration with China at which researchers will discuss the guidelines that TU Delft is drafting.
The Shanghai skyline. (Photo: Li Yan)
In a message on the intranet, the Executive Board talks about ‘a set of quick guides’ that should help researchers think through issues such as ‘security, cyber security, intellectual property, differences in norms and values’ if they wish to enter into collaboration with Chinese partners. For TU Delft, China, like India and Brazil, is and will remain a focus country. This means that TU Delft seeks connections with the country. There is, after all, enough talent, facilities and money in China. However, collaboration with some Chinese universities may give rise to problems. Last month, Delta showed that knowledge gathered at TU Delft can sometimes end up in the Chinese army.
During the symposium on 20 April, the Executive Board intends to discuss guidelines that may help. These should also be the starting point of the creation of ‘a community of researchers that have an interest in or are interested in collaborating with China’. The intranet message goes on to say that ‘This will allow us to learn from each other’s experiences and ideas’.
Other universities also have meetings about academic cooperation with China on their agendas. For example, the University of Leiden has organised seminars for academics who deal with China in one way or another during their work.
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