On Wednesday 6 April, pupils from group 7 and 8 of thirteen Delft primary schools were given lessons by professors from TU Delft. A photo report.
TU Delft professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen taught at the Gabriel School. (Photos: Adam Klugkist)
The participating professors began the day at Delft’s city hall, where they appeared dressed in togas and where mayor Marja van Bijsterveldt addressed them.
The 33 participants came from the faculties of Architecture and the Built Envorinment, Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE), Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Applied Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science and Technology, Policy and Management.
After the group photo, the professors went to various primary schools: the International School Delft, the Cornelis Musius School, the Montessori School Jan Vermeer, the Delft Montessori School, De Horizon, the Delft Dalton School, the Max Havelaar Children’s Centre, the Gabriël School, the Mgr Bekker School, Het Mozaïek, the Freinet School, the Rembrandt School and IKC De Eglantier.
They were transported by Tuk Tuk or went by bike.
During the lessons, the pupils learned more about subjects such as wind energy, nanoparticles and keyhole surgery.
Professor of traffic safety Fred Wegman (CiTG) talked about his field of expertise at the Gabriel School.
Sustainability professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen let the children find answers to the question what they can do at school to save energy.
Afterwards, the children were able to have their photo taken with Van den Dobbelsteen, because after all, they do not meet a real professor every day.
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