With a fourteenth place on the QS World Rakings: Sustainability, TU Delft is the most sustainable university in continental Europe. Looking at Europe as a whole, TU Delft ranks fifth.
The rankings are compiled on the basis of various criteria. Here, the compilers look at social impact, environmental impact, university governance and how universities take action to address the most pressing global challenges.
TU does well on environmental and social impact. There is a lot of focus on this in education as well. The university also scores well on collaboration, sharing knowledge and resources, and community engagement. In terms of job opportunities after studies, TU Delft is the best Dutch university in the ranking.
In the category ‘Enviromental Education’, however, TU Delft is behind five other Dutch universities. However, the differences in this category are small.
The greenest university in the world is the University of Toronto. The University of Berkeley and the University of Manchester complete the global top three.
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