Instead of contributing to commuting costs, all TU Delft staff will receive an allowance for working at home between 1 January and 1 September 2021.
The car park next to the Library has been a lot emptier since the new lockdown started. (Photo: Marjolein van der Veldt)
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, many employees have been working at home. Despite this new situation, the regular commuting remuneration has been paid. Starting on 1 January 2021, the Tax Authority will no longer permit a net contribution to be paid for commuting.
In consultation with the trade unions, TU Delft has therefore taken the decision to convert this allowance into a temporary working at home allowance. Between 1 January and 1 September 2021, all employees will receive a general working at home allowance every month of EUR 23 net (pro rata to the FTE) and an internet allowance of EUR 27 net.
This also has implications for the mobility allowance through the Individuele Keuzemodel Arbeidsvoorwaarden (IKA, Terms of Employment Individual Choices Model). TU Delft announced that it will look into the possibility of postponing the application date to the end of the year when employees’ commuting patterns will be clear. TU Delft advises employees to note down their commuting days.
Further, the commuting costs will no longer be deducted from the mobility allowance. This will give employees an additional EUR 100 to EUR 120 per annum (pro rata to the FTE).
More than 75 kilometres
The allowance that new employees received for their daily commute for distances of 75 kilometres or more will be scrapped for tax reasons. The changes are currently valid up to 1 September 2021. They will be reviewed regularly to see if adjustments need to be made, for example in the case of new developments arising from the coronavirus crisis.
For questions or more information, please contact HR Services via the Self-service portal, by email or by telephone on 015-278 9000.
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