Yellow house for youth housing
The Delft political party Stip placed a yellow wooden house on the Market Square on Friday 17 February. ’With this Stip house, we want to draw more attention to pragmatic solutions and show that Stip is working hard for improvements in the housing market that we can achieve through cooperation and new smart constructions of, among other things, Delft knowledge,’ the party writes in a press release.
Exactly what those solutions are is not clear. Since the March 2022 municipal elections, Stip has been the city’s largest political party. During those elections, several political parties highlighted innovative Delft solutions to adjust the housing shortage in their election manifestos.
The Delft coalition agreement includes the plan to build an additional 3.500 student houses until 2030. Most of these places have yet to be found. Recently, the Delft group of D66 calculated that even after building an additional 3.500 houses, the city faces a shortage of about 2.000 student houses. (AdB)
(Photo: Stip)
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