
Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau


Study debt interest rate to rise to 0.4 per cent     From January, the interest rate on study debts will rise to 0.4%. This will raise the monthly amount for lenders. The rates are likely to rise faster next year.   For six years now, students and former students have had to pay no…

No energy support for all students (yet)     The government does not wish to discuss with municipalities how to compensate all students living away from home for increased energy costs. This emerged during the General Financial Considerations last week. The Lower House spoke with Finance Minister Sigrid Kaag about next year’s national budget. Support for…

‘Give all students energy discounts’     Many students will only barely benefit from the announced energy price cap. That is why student union LSVb and student housing associations are calling for a compensation scheme for students.   Because of the energy crisis, the Government has made price agreements with energy companies that will charge…

Bronze medals for Delft master’s programmes     This year’s gold medals from weekly magazine EW (formerly Elsevier) go to 112 programmes in higher education. Their students are very satisfied with the content of their programmes, atmosphere, teachers and facilities. TU Delft picks up three bronze medals. The Master’s programmes Science Education & Communication, Life…

De gouden medailles van weekblad EW (voorheen Elsevier) gaan dit jaar naar 112 opleidingen in het hoger onderwijs. Hun studenten zijn bovengemiddeld tevreden over de inhoud van hun opleiding, de sfeer, de docenten en de faciliteiten. De TU Delft ontvangt twee bronzen medailles. De masteropleidingen Science Education & Communication en Life Science &…