More municipalities grant energy allowance to students Most students cannot claim the 1,300 euros energy allowance for minima. They are helped only supported in extreme cases. But some municipalities are more generous than others and do offer an energy allowance. Tilburg, Delft and Zwolle were the first municipalities to come to…
The House of Representatives wants educational institutions to be more critical when it comes to analysing knowledge security. The House of Representatives passed a motion.
Scientists must be at the forefront of the climate movement, according to Scientist Rebellion. Wednesday they join a demonstration against gas drilling in the Wadden Sea.
If we are to overcome big challenges like climate change, we should also look for knowledge and inventiveness beyond the world of science, says advisory council AWTI.
Municipalities are disappointed that a national policy for students’ rising energy costs is off the table. Delft had also hoped it could leave the energy allowance to DUO.
Hoogleraar wetenschapscommunicatie en TU-alumnus Ionica Smeets gaat in opdracht van het ministerie van OCW een nationaal centrum voor wetenschapscommunicatie mede vormgeven.
Tijdens de Algemene Politieke Beschouwingen kwamen verschillende oppositiepartijen op voor studenten. Esther Ouwehand van de Partij voor de Dieren diende een motie in om studenten alsnog recht te geven op de energietoeslag. Ze kreeg steun van de voltallige oppositie, maar regeringspartijen VVD, D66, CDA en ChristenUnie stemden tegen. Een vergelijkbare motie van Caroline van der…
On Prinsjesdag (budget day), the Dutch government flogged millions of euros to maintain spending power. What will students notice? The measures in a row.
To combat discrimination, collecting data on the migration background of students and staff may be a ‘necessary evil’. This is a conclusion drawn by The Young Academy.