Because of corona almost half of the students are suffering more from study stress, Statistics Netherlands reports. The further they get in their studies, the more they worry.
Anti cheat software was unsafe Via the software programme Proctorio, those with malicious intent could gain access to students’ computers for months on end and watch their webcams. It is not clear whether this actually happened. Cybersecurity company Computest investigated the software programme used by many universities and colleges (TU Delft does…
‘Students are throwing money out of the window’ According to the National Institute for Budget Advice (Nibud), students miss out on a lot of money. Whether they are studying in secondary vocational education or higher education, they are wasting hundreds of euros a year. Just look at the healthcare allowance alone: worth…
Minister wants ‘payment per credit’ in the law Studying at your own pace and paying per credit: some students benefit from this. As of the academic year 2023-2024, ‘flex-study’ may become law, thinks outgoing minister Van Engelshoven. In recent years, two universities of applied sciences (Windesheim and Utrecht) and three universities (Utrecht,…
The student loan system in Dutch higher education is set to disappear from September 2024. National daily newspaper AD broke the news.
From murder and violence to stalking and intimidation: last year, the human rights organisation Scholars at Risk logged 332 attacks on academic freedom in 65 countries.
Give students who had to be quarantined immediate resits for their exams. The National Students’ Association is calling for a ‘coronavirus cancellation protocol’.
Student protest against loan system A few hundred students protested against the loan system in The Hague on Thursday afternoon. There was an attempt to occupy a ministry building, but that plan failed. The demonstration was organised by the trade union FNV Young & United and the National Union of Students (Landelijke…
Sommige studenten en medewerkers voelen zich onveilig in volle collegezalen. De RUG raadt aan om mondkapjes te dragen waar afstand houden niet lukt. Hoe zit dat elders?
No corona money for some bachelors No tuition fee reduction, no graduation allowance. One in five bachelor graduates are missing out on the Government’s corona compensation. In total, it saves the Government over EUR 4 million. This autumn, a student wrote a brief letter to the education spokespersons of the Lower House…