Parliament positive on flex-studies Determine your own study pace and pay per credit? Flex-studies are coming closer and closer in higher education, now that the House of Representatives still mostly sees advantages. But the Socialist Party (SP) and the Green Left (GroenLinks) are still critical. Just before the Christmas holidays, the House…
Even though the lockdown in higher education is over, many students are not yet getting on-campus teaching. Higher education cannot be “opened with one click of a button.”
De speciale rechtbank voor het hoger onderwijs CBHO gaat wellicht verdwijnen. Die grote wijziging is verborgen in een wetsvoorstel over het mbo dat de Tweede Kamer komende week zal bespreken. Het college van beroep voor het hoger onderwijs (CBHO) oordeelt over zaken van studenten tegen hun onderwijsinstelling, bijvoorbeeld over het bindend studieadvies, het…
SER Youth Platform: government must help young people SER Jongerenplatform finds it about time that politicians take youngsters into account. The high cost of housing, the flexible labour market and study debt must be addressed. Today the platform presents the exploration ‘Veelbelovend’ (Promising). In it, young people plead for a ‘generation test’…
Universities rely too much on big tech companies. This is subject of criticism in the participation councils, says Rien Wijnhoven, chair of their national association LOVUM.
Students with parents who did not pursue higher education are considerably less likely to study in another country. Nuffic advocates greater equality of opportunities.
The lockdown restrictions in higher education have been lifted. The guidelines regarding face masks have been tightened.
Een miljard euro heeft het nieuwe kabinet uitgetrokken voor de compensatie van studenten die de basisbeurs misliepen. Veel te weinig, vinden studenten. De Landelijke Studentenvakbond en jongerenvakbond FNV Young & United hebben protest aangekondigd. Op 5 februari zullen ze demonstreren in Amsterdam tegen de lage compensatie. Verschillende Kamerfracties noemen in door het nieuwe kabinet beantwoorde…
Universities and colleges of higher education may resume physical teaching next week. The ministers involved would have decided this today after consultation with advisors.