Dutch higher education does not necessarily have to refuse Chinese funding, Minister Dijkgraaf thinks. The institutions must, however, ‘be wary of the dangers and risks’.
Duizenden demonstranten eisten zaterdag compensatie voor het mislopen van de basisbeurs. Dinsdag mochten de protestleiders op het ministerie langskomen. Wat leverde dat op?
Stories of abuse of power and inappropriate behaviour are emerging from higher education institutions in Flanders. It started with the dismissal of a professor of archaeology.
This year, nearly eighty thousand international students are studying at Dutch universities: 14% more than last year. The number of internationals at TU Delft also increased.
Zo’n achtduizend ‘pechstudenten’ eisten zaterdag in Amsterdam een eerlijke compensatie voor het mislopen van de basisbeurs. Maar de regeringspartijen lijken niet te vermurwen.
In de coronacrisis is het onderwijs verschraald, vindt ook Sander van den Eijnden, de nieuwe NVAO-voorzitter. Maar de opleidingen zijn volgens hem niet door het ijs gezakt.
NWO plans to overhaul its talent programme with the Veni, Vidi and Vici grants, according to a leaked memorandum. Some young scientists are very worried.
The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated online education. The Rathenau Institute sees advantages, but is also worried about privacy and market influence.
Keuzegids: 13 ‘excellent’ master’s programmes The Keuzegids reports that thirteen master’s programmes at universities and universities of applied sciences are considered ‘excellent’ by students. But the editors doubt whether this says enough about the quality of these programmes. The thirteen ‘excellent’ programmes (in a guide with 1,200 master’s programmes) receive the maximum…
Students do not benefit from energy cost compensation Residents of non-self-contained rooms in large complexes, usually students and elderly people, benefit little from the government measures to cushion rising energy prices. The government admits this in response to parliamentary questions from BoerBurgerBeweging. For example, there will be an extra discount of 265…