FNV-vakbonden willen voorkomen dat pensioenfonds ABP de Russische agressie in Oekraïne mede financiert. Ze stellen vragen over ABP-belangen in Russische bedrijven en staatsobligaties. Het ABP is het pensioenfonds voor werknemers bij de overheid en het onderwijs. De FNV-bonden in het verantwoordingsorgaan van het ABP willen onder meer weten of het klopt dat het…
More universities and institutions are following the lead of the German scientific community by boycotting Russia. The Dutch scientific community is still thinking it over.
Vici grants delayed by Covid-19 The coronavirus has upset the planning of science financier NWO. Dropouts and absenteeism meant that only 12 Vici grants were awarded today. The rest will follow later. Twelve researchers from the applied and technical sciences and the health sciences (ZonMW) received a Vici grant from the NWO…
Om honderdduizend euro aan ov-boetes te voorkomen, moeten studenten samen 3,8 miljoen euro extra collegegeld betalen. Dit klinkt ingewikkeld, hoe zit dat?
If Ukrainian academics flee to the Netherlands, help them generously, says the new Young Academy president. The universities wrote a declaration of solidarity on Friday.
Education staff with long COVID must not be dismissed after two years of sick leave, says the General Union of Education (AOb). “Grant them an extra year to reintegrate.”
‘Secondary jobs for tax lawyers at the University of Amsterdam lead to integrity problems’ Almost all University of Amsterdam (UvA) tax law professors have a secondary function at large law or tax consultancy firm, writes university magazine Folia. These sometimes influence their academic publications. Several tax law lecturers at the UvA reported…
The Inspectorate of Education estimates that around 33,000 students have encountered inappropriate behaviour during their studies.
Dutch universities are cooperating only partially in a request for information under the Public Access to Government Information Act (Wob) about their ties with Israel.
Op dit moment is het kabinet niet van plan om de compensatie te verhogen voor studenten zonder basisbeurs, zegt minister Sigrid Kaag van Financiën tegen de Tweede Kamer. Maar ze gooit de deur niet helemaal dicht. Woensdag sprak de Tweede Kamer met de minister van Financiën over het nieuwe regeerakkoord. Daarbij vroeg SP-Kamerlid Mahir Alkaya…