
Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau


No maternity leave (yet) for students     Pregnant students from secondary vocational education (mbo) have been entitled to maternity leave since this academic year, but there is no such statutory provision for students from universities and universities of applied sciences.Why not, wonder the Lower House parties of PvdA and SP. For the time being,…

Obstacles for students with long covid     The Cabinet has demanded that universities of applied sciences provide ‘customised’ services for students with long covid. But this is not yet going well everywhere, says the National Students’ Union (LSVb).   It is not known how many students suffer from long-term serious complaints after a Covid-19…

Russian rectors support war in Ukraine     On 4 March, the Association of Rectors of Russian Universities wrote in a joint statement that they support Putin’s decision “to finally end the eight-year confrontation between Ukraine and the Donbas, to achieve the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine and thus to protect itself against the growing…