Using radio commercials, advertisements in newspapers and the voice of a Dutch celebrity, 14 university funds are acting together to attract donations for scientific research.
Research into better compensation ‘pechstudenten’ The Senate wants the Cabinet to investigate how students who have not received a basic grant (the so called ‘pechstudenten’) can be better compensated. Many political groups in the Senate find compensation of about one thousand euros per ‘pechstudent’ too meagre. Therefore, a majority of the Senate signed a…
Caribbean students may receive bsn numbers from DUO The Cabinet wants to remove obstacles for students from the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. They will receive a national identity number (bsn number) if they are going to study here and they might also receive a scholarship. This became apparent during a debate…
The coronavirus restrictions in higher education are being lifted, but not everyone is happy. “What this actually says to vulnerable students is ‘you’re on your own!’”
Little remains of the corona measures in higher education: from Friday, lecture halls are allowed to be full again and from 25 February face masks are no longer compulsory.
Het kabinet wil loting voor populaire opleidingen weer toestaan. De Tweede Kamer heeft daar vragen bij en wil misschien een mengvorm mogelijk maken: eerst selectie, dan loten.
De oppositiepartijen in de Eerste Kamer steunden dinsdagavond een motie van de PvdA die het kabinet opriep om de ‘pechstudenten’ zonder basisbeurs meer tegemoet te komen.
Universities ask more time to provide information about ties with ‘organisations that propagate support for the State of Israel’. That request comes from The Rights Forum.
ERC grants for commercialising technology Sixteen researchers from Dutch universities and academic hospitals are to receive EU money which they may use to translate their scientific insights into commercial applications. This was announced by the European Research Council (ERC). The grants for a proof of concept amount to a total of EUR…