Ridding Namibia of acacia bush by turning it into marine fuel fairly, cleanly and sustainably would make many people happy. TU Delft researchers study this from all angles.
Two students introduced the Blue Engineering course to TU Delft from TU Berlin. How does this course that revolves around choices about engineering, nature and society work?
Houben: Delft University Library was start of development TU Delft Library celebrated its 25th anniversary on 15 May 2023. During the festivities, architect Francine Houben shared her thoughts on ‘the library of the future’ in the heart of the Delft University Library. She was working on that theme then and she still is…
Studievereniging VvTP werkt aan de voorbereiding van het jaarlijkse Fysica-congres van de Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging op 26 mei 2023 in de aula. Wat is daar te doen?
A group of students presented their new hydrogen boat at the Submarine Wharf in Rotterdam on Monday. Their goal: to be world champion in the Energy Boat Race in Monaco.
The materials used in heat pumps harm the environment, NOS wrote earlier this year. TNO now reports that heat pumps are more environmentally friendly. How does this work?
As part of a global week of action that started on Sunday 7 May, Scientist Rebellion will visit the Delft campus. End Fossil will also campaign this week.
Dutch only De Delftse bridgeverenigingen DBC en ODD houden op maandag 8 mei een clinic om belangstellenden kennis te laten maken met de bridgesport. De organisatie denkt aan studenten en jongeren die van kaartspelletjes houden en die op zoek zijn naar de ultieme uitdaging. De kennismakingsavond duurt van 19.30 tot 22:00 uur en vindt…
Ecorunner presents most efficient car The Dream Team Eco-Runner XIII will show their latest creation on Tuesday evening, 2 May: a car that travels more than 2,000 kilometres on less than 1 kilogram of hydrogen. With this, the Delft team hopes to take back the world record from ARM Engineering, who drove 2055.68…