Ensure a fair distribution of climate costs, the WRR advises in a report to the Government. TU Delft climate ethic Behnam Taebi thinks ahead on how this can be done.
Of the eight selected publications on energy and climate, two were awarded prizes on Wednesday 15 March. These were about wind farms and flight paths.
‘Sustainable flying’ sounds like a contradiction in terms. A hydrogen-powered electric plane may be emission-free, but how much green energy does it require?
Hoe denken Nederlanders over energie en klimaat? Met behulp van een Delftse methode van publieksraadpleging hoopt de Tweede Kamer daar achter te komen.
After the withdrawal of two Majorana articles, the research field was in crisis, says Tom Dvir. He is first author of a new QuTech publication. What has changed?
Every two years Ammodo gives awards for fundamental research to eight scientists in the Netherlands. This year Stan Brouns and Tatiana Filatova were winners.
Peter Wieringa bids farewell Former pro vice rector of doctoral affairs Peter Wieringa retired from TU Delft last Friday. It will take a small army to replace him if you listen to Rector Tim van der Hagen’s speech. Van der Hagen cited from Wieringa’s nine-page CV a long list of chairmanships, presidential and…
Ammodo rijkt elke twee jaar prijzen uit voor fundamenteel onderzoek aan acht Nederlandse wetenschappers. Dit jaar zijn Stan Brouns en Tatiana Filatova geselecteerd.
NWO awarded 34 Vici grants of up to EUR 1.5 million to senior researchers for their own programmes. Five of them came from TU Delft. These are the winners.