Nine more Veni grants for TU Delft researchers They had to wait a long time, but now the time has come: another 78 promising young researchers will receive a Veni grant of up to EUR 280,000 from now (The Dutch Research Council). Nine of them are connected to TU Delft. The first seven…
Architecture offers room for wild wallflowers The new quay walls of the Nieuwe Mark in Breda have blossomed. (Photo: Koen Mulder) Traditional brick quay walls – as in the inner city of Delft – are enormously thick, porous brick walls that are in direct contact with the ground and the groundwater. As…
Aan tafel voor het Flying Vision-initiatief zaten van links naar rechts Pieter Elbers (KLM), Guillaume Faury (Airbus), Henri Werij (TU Delft), Michel Peters (NLR) en Dick Benschop (Schiphol). (Foto: TU Delft) Namens de TU Delft tekende L&R-decaan Henri Werij afgelopen maandag een samenwerkingsovereenkomst voor een transitie naar een duurzame luchtvaart in 2050. Hij…
Last Sunday morning, students put the finishing touches to their robot. They pulled an all-nighter for it at the Robotics Student Association hackathon.
When Frans van der Meijden took charge of the Dream Hall in 2014, students were sleeping under the desks and the fire brigade came regularly. It is now quieter. Too quiet?
IEA calls for car-free Sundays Cycling on the motorway was possible and allowed on 10 car-free Sundays in 1973/74. (Photo: Rob Mieremet / Anefo, Nationaal Archief) Will the car-less Sundays return? If it were up to the International Energy Agency (IEA), yes, especially in cities. It is one of the 10 proposals…
Sales exhibition for Ukraine (Photo: Prinsenkwartier) Artists from Kadmium and Kunstsuper have organised an art sale for Ukraine in the Prinsenkwartier in Delft. Works from more than 30 artists that are for sale are on display in a pop-up exhibition on the ground floor of the Prinsenkwartier. The artists will donate between…
In 1957, the recently renovated nuclear reactor of the RID was an example of just-conquered nuclear energy. How do we see the field more than sixty years later?
Kick-off Delft Global Initiative Student Club At the kick-off event, industrial designer and PhD student Karlheinz Samenjo talked about the development of medical products and services in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Photo: Delft Global Initiative). Vice-Rector Magnificus Rob Mudde was impressed with the amount of interest in the Delft Global Student Club (DGSC). “It…