Concert pianist and composer Andrija Pavlovic has worked in the Applied Physics building since the beginning of February. The Kavli artist composes quantum music.
Knee complaints caused by osteoarthritis are common but poorly understood. Professor Jaap Harlaar develops dynamic imaging for a better understanding and treatment.
Klimaatonderzoeker Arthur Oldeman (Universiteit Utrecht) kaartte op Twitter misleidende informatie aan over klimaatverandering in het Noordpoolgebied in een Delftse master.
‘Save declining tidal areas’ On Thursday 17 February 2022, representatives of Boskalis, WWF and Deltares presented a joint plan during the SpraakWater webinar to turn the tide through a ‘national sediment strategy’. The webinar series is a WWF initiative on discussing ‘natural solutions’ for the Dutch Delta. The sediment strategy involves strengthening slabs…
Intergetijdengebieden worden ze genoemd: stukken land die beurtelings onderlopen en droogvallen met het getij. Ze zijn essentieel voor trekvogels, oesters en zeehonden. Maar door kustverdediging, inpoldering en zeespiegelstijging nemen deze gebieden in Nederland gestaag af: van 12% in 1900 naar 4 % nu. Vertegenwoordigers van Boskalis, WNF en Deltares presenteerden donderdag 17 februari…
The RID’s nuclear reactor has recently started to shine blue again. Everything is awaiting the installation of the cold neutron source. But this has repeatedly been rejected.
In his role as Sustainability Coordinator. Andy van den Dobbelsteen has set an ambitious target – a green and climate neutral campus in eight years’ time. What is the plan?
Just imagine: TU Delft will honour the founder of the Gist en Spiritusfabriek with a museum, the Museum Van Marken. What should it look like? Here are the best ideas.
There is a mountain of subsidies just waiting. TU Delft researchers heard how they can apply for money for research into green hydrogen at an online meeting.