
Jos Wassink


Robotic building at Dutch Design Week The Delft Robotic Building Lab has two entries for the Dutch Design Week (17-25 October) in Eindhoven. The first project, Componential Hybridity, concerns a plant-like stairwell for a former Philips factory hall in the Brabant capital of Eindhoven. Henriette Bier (Architecture and the Built Environment)…

The German offshore windpark Riffgat. (Photo: Impériale) If it were up to energy economist Laurens de Vries (TBM), offshore wind will become even cheaper in the future. De Vries took part in the European research consortium PROMOTioN. A recent study looked at a potential network of large offshore wind farms (100-200 GW) in…

The German offshore windpark Riffgat. (Photo: Impériale) To encourage offshore wind farm operators to minimise costs. That is the goal that Energy Economist Dr Laurens de Vries (TPM) set himself as part of the PROMOTioN European research consortium. A recent study looked at a potential network of large offshore wind farms (100-200 GW)…

The Delft Robotic Building Lab has two entries for the Dutch Design Week (17-25 October) in Eindhoven. The first project, Componential Hybridity, concerns a plant-like stairwell for a former Philips factory hall in the Brabant capital of Eindhoven. Henriette Bier (Architecture and the Built Environment) and her team entwined 3D printed metal…

Team video Myonics Five IDE students have entered the top 20 of the James Dyson Award, an international design competition, with their special computer interface. The submission of team Myonics enables people suffering from muscular dystrophy (Duchenne’s disease), who can barely move their hands, to work with a computer. The students use…

Zonder de vorige week overleden Delftse waterbouwkundige ir. Frank Spaargaren (1940-2020) was de halfopen Oosterscheldedam er nooit gekomen. Dat memoreert de NRC in een herdenkingsstuk. Spaargaren leidde vanaf 1971 bij Rijkswaterstaat het project van de afdamming van de Oosterschelde, net als eerder met de Grevelingendam en de Brouwersdam gebeurd was. Maar hij leidde ook de…