HR to replace software by 2021 TU Delft staff are familiar with the multifaceted nature of ICT solutions for leave applications, sick leave and submitting claims. Taking effect on 1 January 2021, all HR related matters will be brought together in a single system. This, at least, is the target date for the software…
Het vervolgonderwijs presenteerde deze week een nieuw idee aan minister Koolmees van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid: geef elke werkende Nederlander het recht op minstens één week bijscholing per jaar. Dan komt ‘een leven lang leren’ eindelijk van de grond. Eigenlijk zouden mensen zich gedurende hun werkzame leven moeten blijven scholen, meent de politiek al een…
Covid-19 lockdowns are causing scientists to turn to online conferencing. But Kavli researchers were exploring the pros and cons of online seminars long before corona.
At the height of the corona crisis, clinical technology students were designing a ventilator. But when the design was finished, it was not needed anymore. What was that like?
Bert van Wee never thought he would win the Best Professor Award. Delta spoke to the Transport policy Professor about the impact of corona and the character of generalists.
Forced by corona, TU Delft professor Wim Uijttewaal organised his River Flow 2020 congress online this year. That gave him an idea. “We need to reinvent the conference.”
Towards better batteries In theory, a minus lithium pole would allow Li-ion batteries to store two to three times more charge than the current generation of batteries. That sounds attractive. However, a lithium anode never transpired because the current electrolytes (the conductive material between the plus and minus poles) would then break down too…
De coronacrisis is nog niet voorbij, maar de eerste evaluaties van het coronabeleid verschijnen al in de pers, onder wetenschappers en bij beroepsverenigingen. Dat constateren de hooglerarenbestuurskunde Hans de Bruijn (TU Delft) en Martijn van der Steen (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam). Zij schreven het rapport Leren van Covid-19 voor de Nederlandse School Openbaar Bestuur (NSOB) in…
Walking with an exoskeleton is an experience itself. Project MARCH has taken the next step by completing an obstacle course in preparation for the Cybathlon later this year.