
Jos Wassink


Mechanical engineering students Sweder Reuchlin (l) and Daan Kerssenmakers are working on a fine summer project: the solar water heater. The parabolic mirror concentrates sunlight on the tube in its focal point and heats the water that flows through it. This produces 9 litres of water at 55 degrees Celsius per hour. Together…

Breaking down plastics No one knows if it can be done, but Professor Frank Hollmann’s group of biocatalysis is going to try anyway: breaking down plastics with enzymes. Hollmann’s group in the Applied Sciences Faculty is one of 10 partners in a 3.18 million euro project called Bizente – one of more than 20 projects…

Public transport advises to stay away Will there be place in public transport as the lockdown is gradually being opened up? Due to the corona crisis, the use of public transport has dropped by 90%. However, due to the introduction of the 1.5 metre measures, capacity has also been slashed by 75%. Thus far,…

Kooy Prize for research fast helicopters Laurent Declerck MSc received the Kooy Award from the Kivi Department of Defense and Security for his graduation work on so-called compound helicopters, last April. This new type looks like a hybrid between a helicopter and an airplane. Because of the fixed wing, the aircraft can reach a higher…