De Europese Commissie heeft 17 miljoen euro ter beschikking gesteld voor het project Mining Water dat innovatieve oplossingen belooft voor de winning van grondstoffen uit afvalwater. Het publiek-private consortium telt 38 partners in twaalf landen, en wordt geleid vanuit de TU Delft. Onderzoeksleider Mark van Loosdrecht (environmental biotechnology, TNW) zegt daarover: “Water is essentieel…
‘Een ongekende prestatie’ twitterde minister-president Mark Rutte vanochtend over zijn bezoek aan de faculteit 3mE waar vele tientallen studenten en medewerkers aan corona-gerelateerd onderzoek werken. Communicatiemedewerker Céline Bovy (3mE) vertelt dat Rutte een bezoek bracht aan OperationAir, waar studenten onder leiding van Jaap Harlaar een prototype van een beademingsapparaat hebben gebouwd (zie foto). Ook…
Professor Lieven Vandersypen will be QuTech’s new Director of Research starting on 1 September 2020. That will also make him Chair of the Management Board of QuTech. He will succeed Professor Ronald Hanson who filled this post from the end of 2016. The Executive Board of TU Delft announced the appointment last week. “I feel…
The corona pandemic has caused a shortage of protection equipment, especially face masks. TU Delft researchers and students are ramping up testing facilities in ProjectMask.
Closing schools, working at home, and no social events. What is the effect of such measures, and why do they differ across countries? How science advises policy makers.
His inaugural speech was planned for 18 March but was cancelled due to the corona crisis. Professor Frank Hollmann (bio-catalysis, Applied Sciences) enjoyed his day off.
Dutch universities have been awarded 14 advanced grants from the European Research Council. With three grants, TU Delft is leading the pack.
Crises are all in a day’s work for Kenny Meesters. He researches and teaches crisis management at TPM. He joined the national operational corona team.
TU Delft and Van Straten Medical have developed and tested a process to reuse masks safely up to five times. The process can be applied directly and by all hospitals.