
Jos Wassink


Iedere dag geeft het RIVM een update van het aantal geregistreerde coronabesmettingen in Nederland, en het aantal dodelijke slachtoffers. Maar hoe is het verloop daarvan? Tot nu toe stijgt het aantal onverminderd. Wie een wereldwijd overzicht wil, kan terecht bij het coronadashboard van de Johns Hopkins University. (JW)

(Photo: TU Delft) The dream of transparant solar cells and power-generating windows has come a bit closer. Such dye-sentised solar cells contain a layer of titanium dioxide or ‘titania’. Current production of this material requires high temperatures and advanced vacuum technology. Not anymore. Members of Dr Duncan McMilland’s bio catalysis group (Applied Sciences) have found…

(Photo: TU Delft) The dream of transparant solar cells and power-generating windows has come a bit closer. Such dye-sentised solar cells contain a layer of titanium dioxide or ‘titania’. Current production of this material requires high temperatures and advanced vacuum technology. Not anymore. Members of Dr Duncan McMilland’s bio catalysis group (Applied Sciences) have found…

Vigorous mixing of a solution containing micro particles of graphite may produce graphene, a material with remarkable electrical, mechanical, optical and thermal properties. Researchers from TU Delft and Queen Mary University of London have now published an article based on a simulation of the process. They calculated the molecular dynamics which determine whether layers of…

Vigorous mixing of a solution containing micro particles of graphite may produce graphene, a material with remarkable electrical, mechanical, optical and thermal properties. Researchers from TU Delft and Queen Mary University of London have now published an article based on a simulation of the process. They calculated the molecular dynamics which determine whether layers of…

The DNA inside a cell’s nucleus is sometimes described as a bunch of spaghetti. But there must be more to it. There has to be a hidden order. How else can a cell can organise the ‘spaghetti’ in neatly packed chromosomes before dividing itself?   We know that the protein ‘condensin’ plays an important…