An interdisciplinary team, which was set up by Professor Bas Jonkman (CiTG), will conduct research and respond to Hurricane Harvey. The hurricane has caused massive flooding in Houston and its surroundings since its landfall on August 25th, 2017.
It was the moment of truth for the 31 students from Project March and their pilot Ruben de Sain. They unveiled and demonstrated their robotic legs, or exoskeleton, while news cameras rolled.
Cyber crimes like hacking and ransomware may be resolved by tagging each file and every piece of hardware with a unique identifier. What is keeping us from doing this?
The flooding of Houston, Texas, by hurricane Harvey has taken on biblical proportions. Hydrologist Dr Antonia Sebastian (29) from Rice University comments from her postdoc position in Delft.
TU researchers have developed a method to recycle smaller lumps of concrete into sand and cement. They hope it will make concrete recycling profitable.
Space system engineers are building the next generation of mini-satellites that can fit into your pocket. Soon they’ll be as common as drones.
‘Your single proton fundamental, essential. Water. Life. Star Fuel.’ This is the opening of the poetic table of elements published by Science Magazine.
Samen met dertig andere zweefvliegtuigen in volle vaart langs twee botsende luchtlagen. Dat beeld staat L&R-student Sjoerd van Empelen nog levendig voor ogen. Hij werd deze maand wereldkampioen zweefvliegen in de juniorenklasse.
TU Delta’s science section brings you the latest ideas and results in engineering, science, and design from TU Delft. We might even report on your work.