Microbiologist Jennifer Doudna is a serious candidate for the Nobel Prize after discovering the genetic editing tool, CRISPR. Her book, ‘A Crack in Creation’, reveals the discovery and her subsequent nightmares. ‘Had I created a monster?’.
Fast curves and burning rubber. Master vehicle engineering student, Conno Kuyt, has developed the first step towards a computer controlled slip system inside cars.
A spectacular scaffolding around the TU Library’s cone heralds the beginning of extensive maintenance work during the summer. What more can you expect?
His article has caused a buzz among steel experts, and he was awarded a medal of honour by the ASM International professional society. So what has Dr. Niels van Dijk developed?
The Green Village now houses the Researchlab for Automated Driving Delft (RADD). “The minister agreed that it’s time to test autonomous vehicles in practice,” said Professor Bart van Arem.
Nerdalize, the Delft start-up that puts waste heat from data servers to domestic use, has increased the target for its crowdfunding campaign twice. With over half a million euros already committed, the company is now aiming for 750,000 euros.
Wubbo Ockels patented airborne wind energy almost twenty years ago. The 100 kW generator on display this Friday shows the technology is rapidly scaling up.
The new terahertz source that Dr Alessandro Garufo is developing will be dozens of times stronger than current standards. It promises high-resolution security imaging.
By directly connecting green power producers with consumers, electricity provider Vandebron offers them both a better deal.