
Jos Wassink


The stereoscopic scanner, which Tim Zaman (3mE) developed, has scanned Rembrandts and Van Goghs in 3D. This has allowed the first relief reproductions as well as a better understanding of the masterpieces.

De scantechniek van afstudeerder ir. Tim Zaman voegt aan reproducties een extra dimensie toe. Hij ontwikkelde als afstudeeropdracht bij Pieter Jonker (3mE) een scanner die van ieder pixel behalve kleur ook de hoogte bepaalt.

A demo on a mock-up painting has demonstrated the power of an new X-ray technology. Experts think it can finally reveal a portrait hidden behind Rembrandt’s Old Man in Military Costume (from 1631).

The Nobel Prize for physics was awarded to the three Americans who, in 1998, showed that the expansion of the universe 14 billion years after the Big Bang has not slowed down. Instead, it speeds up. “A bizarre concept,” says professor of astrodynamics, Boudewijn Ambrosius.