Autonomy of universities assessed Dutch universities score mixed on the European University Association EUA’s university autonomy scorecard. For example, universities here are not allowed to decide entirely on their own how many students they admit. They also have to ask permission for new courses. If their financial reserves are too big, the Inspectorate…
Delta is looking for a sports editor! Are you a student with an above-average interest in sports and some experience with writing and/or video? Do you know what’s going on in the Delft student sports world and do you want to create interesting stories about it for our target group, your fellow students?…
New climate protest, ín the Aula this time (Photo: End Fossil) Students of End Fossil Leiden and Delft again protested against the presence of the fossil industry at De Delftse Bedrijvendagen on Wednesday 22 February. This time the students were inside the Aula, the career event site. They hung banners with texts…
Six scientists who fled Ukraine are working at TU Delft. The number at national level is not known. The Young Academy argues for a central registration point and more grants.
The AthenaStudies company uses study groups on WhatsApp to promote its exam trainings and other products. TU Delft students are annoyed. “It is really irritating advertising.”
After the ‘consultation round’ on profile and size, the thinking about TU Delft’s future will enter a new phase. It will involve eight committees over the next half year.
Climate activists interrupt Dies Leiden Students of End Fossil Leiden/Delft disrupted the opening speech of Leiden rector magnificus Hester Bijl at the Dies celebration in the Pieterskerk on 8 February. They want Leiden University to cut ties with the fossil industry, because the students believe it is destroying their future. Photo: End…
As the OWee will be held earlier than usual this year, the first-years’ weekends will also be earlier, causing logistical problems. “Venues are often booked years in advance.”
Students are on social housing providers’ waiting lists longer and longer: more than three years on average. Delft ranks third among municipalities with long waiting times.
Dutch only De Rijksuniversiteit Groningen mag universitair hoofddocent Tjeerd Andringa ontslaan, oordeelt de kantonrechter. In zijn lessen verspreidde de docent complottheorieën. De Groningse universiteitskrant noemt hem de ‘wappieprof’. Andringa werd een jaar geleden geschorst vanwege de complottheorieën die hij verspreidde. Na een onderzoek in opdracht van de universiteit is hij ontslagen. Uit dat onderzoek,…