Dutch only Overwerk is heel normaal onder hbo-docenten. Ze draaien per week 30 procent meer uren dan in hun contract staat, blijkt uit nieuw onderzoek. Ruim de helft heeft te weinig tijd om de vakkennis op peil te houden. Daarbij moet worden vermeld dat de uitkomsten van het onderzoek indicatief zijn en niet representatief. 615…
Brexit: half as many EU students to UK Since the Brexit, three years ago this week, the number of new students from European countries in the United Kingdom (UK) has halved, including from the Netherlands. In September 2017, the number of Dutch students was 1,900. That number crashed to 1,000 in academic year…
What are your experiences with AthenaStudies? Delta would like to get in touch with Delft students who are in or manage AthenaStudies Whatsapp groups. What are your experiences with those groups? Why we are curious about that? The company AthenaStudies uses Whatsapp groups with the logo of the University of Groningen…
Dutch only Ouders en leerlingen willen dat de eindexameneisen nogmaals worden versoepeld vanwege de leerachterstanden die in de coronacrisis ontstonden. Minister Wiersma, de universiteiten en de onderwijsinspectie zien dat niet zitten. Leerlingen uit het voortgezet onderwijs moeten ook dit jaar één extra vak kunnen herkansen tijdens de eindexamens, schreef Ouders & Onderwijs in een…
Emergency shelter for asylum seekers open longer The emergency shelter for asylum seekers on the TU Delft campus will be extended by five months. This gives the Central Agency for Asylum Seekers (COA), the municipality and TU Delft time to negotiate the longer extension and expansion requested by COA in December. This is…
House: rejecting weak students allowed Drawing lots for admission to a popular study with numerus fixus? That is allowed, the Dutch House of Representatives thinks, but programmes should first be given the chance to reject weak students. The bill on lottery has been amended despite principled objections from Education Minister Dijkgraaf. Dijkgraaf…
‘Education Minister hinders refugees’ right to education’ Dutch Education Minister Dijkgraaf is obstructing the right to education of young people who have lived in the Netherlands without status for many years by suddenly making them pay the fees for foreign students after their final exams in higher education. The Landelijk Ongedocumenteerden Steunpunt (National…
Delta is hiring a student photographer Do you have experience as a photographer, do you own a good camera and do you want to improve your skills in journalistic photography? Then come be a photographer for Delta, the independent news website of the TU Delft! This photo was taken by student…
Utrecht revokes professor’s doctoral degree A 2008 medical dissertation, consisting largely of previously published scientific articles, has fallen into dispute. Two articles have been withdrawn and two others are subject to an ‘expression of concern’, writes the Utrecht university newspaper DUB (in Dutch). The author in question allegedly manipulated and fabricated data. As a…