
Saskia Bonger


Former TU Delft professor is The Smartest Man     (Photo from private archive)   Anyone who studies or has studied at TU Delft is smart, but Jasper van Kuijk is the smartest of them all. Last week, he won the popular Dutch TV quiz De Slimste Mens (The Smartest Man), a title he may…

DUO wrongfully refused supplementary grant     A student broke off all ties with her father and applied to the student funding agency DUO for a supplementary grant. But it was denied. To the judge’s annoyance, DUO barely showed any interest in her situation.   Normally, students receive some financial support from their parents. This…

Nibud: inflation eats away at basic grant       The Netherlands Budget Institute (Nibud) claims that the basic grant helps students, but high inflation is threatening to hit them hard. All the calculations are in danger of being overtaken by inflation, is the conclusion.   Students living at home should not have to incur…

Fill out this housing crisis questionnaire     Have you found a room yet, or are you afraid you’ll have to spend this college year in expensive hotels? Or are you just fed up with your student house and looking for a normal apartment, without dirty dishes from your roommates on the counter? The EenVandaag…

‘Internationals treated as second-class students’     While a quarter of students now come from abroad, there is still too little attention paid to them, according to student organization ISO. They are treated as ‘second-class students’, says president ISO-Terri van der Velden. She also states that international students are ‘running on their fingers’, which worries…

‘Supervisory boards of student associations are invisible’     Executive Board member Marien van der Meer calls on the supervisory boards of student associations to take ‘more visible responsibility’ in preventing transgressive behavior within student associations. She writes this in a post on LinkedIn.   Above the cheerful pictures of the executive board visiting various…

Swimming naked in Delft     Are you a student and do you like swimming naked? The Naturist Swimming Association Delft (NZD) is looking for new members and others who want to swim naked occasionally, including students. The club now consists of 51 members and 30 people who come occasionally.   According to NZD president…