Maastricht University gets ransom money back Part of the ransom paid by Maastricht University to cybercriminals in 2019 has been recovered in Ukraine. The university is now going to get money back. Hackers had taken Maastricht systems hostage in December 2019 and demanded two tons of ransom money. The university paid that amount…
Vidi grants for eight TU Delft researchers Never before have so many scientists received a Vidi grant from the NWO’s Talent Programme. There were 101 in total, including 8 from TU Delft. The number of applications was also exceptionally high. No fewer than 625 people applied for the grants for experienced researchers,…
Dean Theun Baller bids 3mE farewell after 10 years. How does he look back at his time there? A chat about space, diversity, the future and why the name 3mE will disappear.
Inclusivity award for TU student TU Delft student Marissa van der Tol has won the Frank Award of the expertise centre for inclusive education ECIO. She received the 1000 euro prize for her idea to make templates such as course schedules more accessible for people with disabilities. According to Van der Tol, if…
Twee ouders van studenten zonder basisbeurs hebben een petitie online gezet waarin ze van het kabinet volledige compensatie eisen. Volgens de ondertekenaars van de petitie laat de regering “zonder een spier te vertrekken” een halve generatie jonge, hardwerkende mensen opdraaien voor de inschattingsfout die hun voorgangers in 2014 hebben gemaakt. Velen hebben een grote studieschuld…
Emergency shelter for asylum seekers opens end of July The Centraal Orgaan Asielzoekers (Central Agency for Asylum Seekers, COA) expects the emergency accommodation for asylum seekers on the TU Delft campus to be ready to house the first people in the last week of July. This is stated in a letter to local…
What to do after graduation? What are you going to do when you get your degree? Which employers are interesting, how can the university help you find your way and what do alumni who preceded you do? You can read all about that and more in the 4TU Career Special, which…
Commercial room renters must stop charging young people and students in Delft for extras. The CDA in Delft wants new rules for this type of rental.
New Dean for 3mE The Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE) will have a new Dean as of 1 July 1: professor of structural optimization and mechanics Fred van Keulen. Van Keulen has been associated with TU Delft since he was a student. In 1987 he graduated from the faculty he…