
Saskia Bonger


The Rights Forum does not want a half answer     The Rights Forum maintains that Dutch universities must disclose correspondence with, among others, the Central Jewish Consultation and the National Coordinator of Antisemitism. The knowledge centre on the Palestinian-Israeli issue submitted a Freedom of Information Act (Wob) request to Dutch universities in January. Among other…

Disabled student does not want to go back to ‘normal’     No return to ‘normal’ after the corona pandemic: higher education can and must become more accessible for students with disabilities, argues Every(in), the umbrella organisation representing the interests of people with disabilities. During the pandemic, the standard – online – educational programme suddenly…

Statistics Netherlands: a disability has an impact in higher education too     People with a mental or physical disability are less likely to pursue higher education and are also less likely to graduate, according to figures from Statistics Netherlands.   Among those people with no disability issues, 54 percent studied in higher professional education…

Dutch pension fund ABP sells Russian investments     Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Dutch pension fund ABP will sell all its remaining investments in Russian companies. ABP already did not invest in Russian government bonds. As of 24 February 2022, ABP had approximately 520 million euros worth of investments in Russia,…

War in Ukraine: X opens its living room for students     TU Delft’s sports and culture centre, X, will open its living room on Friday evening, 25 February, between 8 PM and 10 PM as a ‘safe space to share thoughts and emotions about the current situation in Ukraine’. Students and staff can walk…

TU Delft Impact Contest is looking for participants     Students with a solution for a societal problem can register until 1 March for the TU Delft Impact Contest, which is taking place for the fourth time this year. Such a societal problem can translate into a small solution, explains Nienke Zwaal of the organising…

Full lecture halls again     In higher education, the maximum of 75 students in a lecture hall will disappear as of 18 February. This is part of a package of relaxations that the government wants to implement now that hospitals have proven to be able to cope with the current wave of coronas infections. For…

‘Binding agreements on knowledge security’     Minister Dijkgraaf wants knowledge security to become an ‘integral part’ of university policy. During a parliamentary debate on Wednesday 9 February, he promised to make ‘binding agreements’ on this. The supervisory boards will have to monitor this. And in turn, the Minister will meet with these boards twice…

Government: action plan against sexual violence     The news surrounding The Voice of Holland and Ajax shows that ‘extra effort’ is needed in the fight against sexual violence, according to Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf of Education, Culture and Science. He will come up with a national action plan. To help the cabinet, Mariëtte Hamer will…