Marien van der Meer has been a member of the Executive Board of TU Delft for six months. What are her impressions of TU Delft and what are her plans?
Minister will not interfere with online proctoring Universities and universities of applied sciences are allowed to use controversial anti-spy software, Minister Dijkgraaf has written to the Dutch House of Representatives, as long as they have their privacy in order. It recently emerged that a widely used programme (not by TU Delft), Proctorio, had a…
Dijkgraaf fan of ‘recognition and rewards’ The ideal of ‘recognition and rewards’ enriches the scientific world, according to Robbert Dijkgraaf, the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science. He said this during an online festival on 4 February. With ‘recognition and rewards’, employers should not only assess their scientific staff on their…
‘Help international students’ Because of strict rules, the corona crisis and loneliness, international students are getting into a tight spot, student organisations LSVb and ISO warn. They point to the rule that European students have to work at least 56 hours per month to be eligible for study financing: almost two days a…
The news about unacceptable behaviour at The Voice of Holland is leading to many more reports all over the Netherlands. Where can you go at TU Delft?
‘Open up vocational and higher education’ The lockdown in higher and vocational education (mbo) must disappear as soon as possible. That is the ‘urgent appeal’ of student organisations, educational institutions, psychiatrists and young people. The organisations have written a letter (in Dutch) to the experts of the Dutch Outbreak Management Team (OMT), with…
Proton clinic now at half capacity The proton clinic Holland PTC, which started operating on the Delft campus in November 2018, will only reach half capacity this year. HPTC expects to have treated 300 patients by the end of 2021, while the total capacity is 600. The other two proton clinics, in Groningen…
Students worried about crowded examination halls Many students are worried about having to take exams, sometimes by the hundreds, just before Christmas. According to the National Students’ Union, not all exams are coronaproof. With the rise of the omikron variant, the unease grows. At the University of Groningen, for instance, almost a…
Delft students make Christmas single The Delft student band On y va has released an English-language Christmas single about ‘the other side of the holidays’. The song ‘Wish Myself a Happy Christmas’ is about missing someone special and the sadness that goes with it. The students think that the lockdown can reinforce that…
No doctorate after defence A Tilburg external PhD student has to undergo a resit. Her thesis had already been approved, but during the public defence – normally a formality – things went wrong. Emeritus professor Jan Vranken strongly criticises (in Dutch) the Dean of the Faculty of Law, who presided over the graduation…